I had this wool saved for a wrap skirt (see this post about those) but when my pattern hadn't arrived yet, and I had the itch to sew, I decided on McCall's 3341 instead. This awesome little skirt took only a couple hours to make, and consisted of 6 pattern pieces.
It had too much ease, so the skirt ended up being about 2" too big, but after taking it in the sides, it fits and next time I make it I know to cut a size smaller.
I'm excited to make more of these. The pattern is great because you can make it out of practically anything: soft floral cottons for summer, thick plaid wools for winter, and I think the next one will be out of corduroy!
Jacket by Levis. Boots by Franco Sarto. Tights and t-shirt from Target. Octopus necklace was a gift from a friend.
Thanks for reading! What fall projects are you working on?
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