Happy Monday! I just wanted to say hello and share some photos of my garden. I spent a few moments this morning poking around all my little plants to get some fresh air before going to, what other than, chemistry. The sun was out, the cool air from the night was still lingering and the morning was quiet. Ahhh, I love starting the day like that!
The plums are growing bigger everyday! I can hardly wait to pick them straight off the tree. I think they're the best when warmed by the sun.
My garden companion, Nissie, loooooooves the catnip so.
I'm gonna need some good recipes that have corn in them! We're gonna have more than we know what do with. Any recommendations?
I have tomatoes! Yayyy!
My camera didn't want to focus on the right stuff. A pretty picture nonetheless.
See those teensy tiny fuzzy green orbs? Those are baby pumpkins. Jack-O-Lantern pumpkins perfect for Halloween.
The beautiful leaves of my pumpkin plant.
A "Blue Jay" pepper that will turn deep purple as it matures.
A summer squash plant that the slugs love. I'm winning that battle, however.
An action shot leaving the garden.
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